Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It Doesn't Really Matter.

I really hate people that say, "Please pray for this person for he/she has turned away from God."

Who cares? Why does it matter whether or not someone believes in God or not?

I am raised Catholic, but I don't really practice any religion. I just live. My philosphy doesn't include God. It includes freedom, fun, beauty, and art. I don't care if you're Baptist, Muslim, Atheist, part of a cult, or Satanic. I don't care what you believe, as long as you don't hurt anyone or press your beliefs onto people. It doesn't matter if they're good people anyway.

Even my hardcore Republican Catholic grandmother doesn't give a flying fuck about what you believe in, as long as you eat her food without complaining, she won't care.

Maybe the world would be better Godless, with people keeping their beliefs private, but people are proud of who they are, and I guess that's OK too.

I have hardcore Catholic friends, they don't care my lifestyle and I don't care for their lifestyles, but we're friends. And we like eachother and we have so much in common that beliefs don't matter. My bestfriend goes to Mass every Sunday morning with his family, and he's gay. He wear's a crucifix around his neck with pride.

I have friends that have been altar servers since fifth grade and they are wild sex fiends. Everyone has their own opinions on God and what God expects of them. I believe whoever just doesn't want anyone to get hurt, to have everyone appriciate beauty and art. My boyfriend doesn't think anything is up there at all. That it's all science, and part of me believes that too, yet the part of me that never grew up, the little girl, the Alice in Wonderland in me wants to believe in fairy tales. And I won't deny myself a fairy tale.

Some religions are beautiful. I respect those religions. I respect all religions. But you tell me that you shun people of other religions, I'll shun you just as you shun my friends, just as you shun me.

Don't press your beliefs on people, they don't care. They'll just end up not liking you. And don't tease people because they believe in God, it shouldn't matter to you. Sure, you it against them if they are being hypocritical, but don't tease or hurt them for nothing. Everyone is a person. Catholic, Muslim, Hindi, Jewish, Bhuddist, Atheist, Taoist, whatever, everyone is a person.


  1. "I don't care what you believe, as long as you don't hurt anyone or press your beliefs onto people. It doesn't matter if they're good people anyway." Yes, I like that.
    And I wholeheartedly agree with all the rest too...

  2. My philosphy doesn't include God. It includes freedom, fun, beauty, and art.

    Can I use that ? That struck my soul: my religion by excellence.


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